Welcome to 3rd Term!!!

Welcome to CTE-Introduction Business! We now have half of the school year under our belts and we are going to have another great term here in this class.

This blog is a new activity for me. Before this class last semester, I had never hosted a blog. We used it a lot in class and I really think that this will be the best way for you to keep up to date on what is going on in class. In addition, I feel that this is a great tool that we can use in class to enhance your learning. A big part of Business includes computers. We will get many opportunities to use the computers in the business lab and further your knowledge of the computer system.

Here is going to be your first blogging assignment. You will need to reply to this post and answer three prompts. Be specific and write in complete sentences.

1st - Tell me if you have ever used a blog (read or written). If you have, what have you used it for (education, hobbies, other).

2nd - You will need to tell me what you have heard about this class before.

3rd - Now that we have talked a few days about what we are going to be doing in this class, tell me why you feel that this class will help you throughout your life. Why do you think that this class is a required class for 7th graders in the stat of Utah?

Be sure that you answer all three prompts IN DETAIL. This assignment is graded based on how well you answer the prompts and if you are using complete sentences.

We will be using this blog very frequently in this class and you will have the opportunity to send messages to me quickly and easily about anything that you wish. Just remember to keep it school appropriate. Let me know later what you think about this part of the class.

Good Luck! Mr. Valdez


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez,
It's Adrianna Bayles. this is really weird. To answer your question no I have never blogged before. I have only heard good things about your class.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez
It's Adi B. Just saying Hi.

Anonymous said...

I have only used a blog once to help me with a report that i had to do in Mrs. Leishman's class on baseball. i thought it was a really cool thing to see what other people had put into the internet.

Anonymous said...

yes, I have used a blog before. In Mrs. Willardson class I had to reply to a blog about a book, I didn't think it was super fun but it wasn't stupid
I have heard not a lot about this calss, but I heard that this class can be boring and stupid, But I will find out for myself.
I feel like this calss will help me through life by understanding about jobs and how to get one.

Anonymous said...

no, i have never been to or written a blog before. are they all kie yours?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i have used a blog before for Mrs Willardson's english class! we had to post a comment for a book that we read together in class. some things that i have heard about this class is that it is a very challenging class but it is very fun and you learn a lot about what you want to do later in your life job wise! i fell that this class will definentley help me in the futer becuase when it comes time for me to pick a career i will have some understanding about some of the careers that i can choose.

Anonymous said...

personally i dont know wat a blog is lol.
idk i havent heard about this class acually mr. valdez i didnt know u had a bussness class.
probably to teach us about job strategys and things like that i personally think that its good for us to learn about this kinda stuff cause it will proceed us through life and such. sincerely jack hogan

Anonymous said...

I have never been on or had a bog before.My older friends told me that this class was boring and pretty dumb.I think that this class will help me learn how to use my money and get a job.this class is probaly required because if children grow uo and want to have a business it will be pretty bad if they don't know hao to run it.

Anonymous said...

#1. I've only read one blog before, and that is the one that you want us to write for. Other wise I've never written or read a blog before.
#2. Being new to this school I've never heard anything about this class.
#3. First of all if we prepare young for our future lives we have a better chance of being ready and being sucsesful then if we were to start at a later age.

Anonymous said...

The things that i have heard about this class are mostly good things which some kids have said are pretty fun. a lot of other kids thought that it was kind of weird.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Valdez. i really havent heard alot about this class. i have heard that it is pretty fun. And exciting to learn how to fill out a check book.
I have had my own blog before. And i think it is a good way to show stuff your looking for. And to comunicate with friends that live farther away.
I think this class will help me decide how good working is for you. And how it can change your life. It will help me realize why you need to get a job.

Love- your favorite student Karlie Kohler

Anonymous said...

1 I've viseted my cousin's blog spot. I forgot what it was called but it was fun. It was purely for intertanment.

2 I've heard this class was boring sometime but most of the time it was fun. I heard we get to use weird calculators. That sounds fun.I hope it is as fun as it sounds.

3 I think this class will help us with money, our jobs by geting us ready, and to pick the right job. If we don't know how to handle money, we could go in the hole. Or we could get a job we hate. Or worse yet, we could never get a job.

Anonymous said...

I only wrote a blog once, and that was in Mrs. Willardson's class. But I read blogs set up by my mom and her sisters a lot. I have heard fun things about this class. The whole idea of working and getting paid is pretty cool to me. I think this class will help me in life. I mean, you learn how to work, get paid, fill out a job applications. That's pretty cool. I think all this stuff is required so we can learn those things before we are adults.

Anonymous said...

I have used a blog in Mrs. Willardsons class before.THe time i used a blog was for educational purposes. we told her if we liked that book and if you suggest it to otheras also. I have heard that this class is boring and hard. i think that this class will help me choose my carrer when i get older. It teaches you about different jobs and all that stuff

Anonymous said...

Yes, i have used this before in Mrs. Willardson's class. it's kind of cool.... I heard that this class is fairly easiy, but if you don't get the job you want that it is kind of boring. so i hope i get the job i want. i think it will be o.k. not my favorite class but i think it will be a good class because of the days where we get to spend our money. this class will hep me with my career in the future. i think it is required because eventually ever on will need to use these skills.

Anonymous said...

I have used a blog a few times. It was in Mrs. Willardsons class. We do assignments on it sometimes.
I have heard about this class before from friends. They only talked about the jobs. They didn't mention other parts of this class.
I think this will be a fun class. I like working with computers. I will also enjoy learning about finacial aspects of life. I think it is important for people to learn about jobs and money so that is why they made this class required.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't fully understand what a blog is but from what I know I don't think I have.

2. Everybody i have talked to about this class they say it is the most boreing class in the school. I have not met one person who has enjoyed this class

3. I think it would be required beacuse it is important to learn about buisness in case our job when we are older involves buisness skills.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we blogged in Mrs. Willardsons class for reading
I have heard you get to buy real stuff like pop, but nothing else.
I think it will help you if you want to be a buissness man or any thing like that. I think it is required because lots of jobs you will probably need to use this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Valdez!i!
Well to tell you the truth i havent worked with blogs before. this is actually my first time... so i guess im a first timer..hahah jk but yea i have only read blogs but just one and it was my friends and he had it on myspace. i dont even kno what a blog means!i!
Well they have told me about the check book and i have seen on of my friends pay check... some people say that this class is kinda boring and others say it was pretty fun. but i think this going to be a fun class...
i think this class is going to help me by teaching me to see wat i can do when i grow up. help me on check book s because to tell you that i dont know anything about check books!i!

Anonymous said...

I have used a blog in one of my classes before.I have heard that in this class that you use 10 key calculators. I have also heard that this class is fun to be in. I feel that this class will help me through out my life by it can teach you a lot about business things and about a lot of jobs. I think that it is required because so it will help us think and understand about our careers and choices of careers in the future. I think that it will help us do a better job in the future.

Anonymous said...

I think that this class will help me in my future business decisions that i might make in my life. I know that it will help us when were older. im glad that it is reaquired for us kids becauseif we didnt have it than we wouldnt know about business stuff.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Valdez,
I have never used or scene a blog. But I am looking forwrd to using and exploring this one. I have heard from my friends that this class is really fun! This class will help us know what it is like to work and be responsible for having a job. I think it is reqiured Because they need to have people that will be to work on time and have a better understanding of what work is and what it means!

Anonymous said...

hey mr. valdez! ya i have used a blog before! i made my familys blog, it was fun. i want to make my own now! :) i have also gotten onto my cousin's blog, and my kinergarten teacher's blog.
my friend told me that this class is ok. not the best class though! she also said somedays it was boring, but on other days, it was fun!
i think this class will help us prepare to get our own jobs. i also think that it will help us
prepare for the future... with technogly. (spelling?)
bye now! ttyl!
-Julia Israelsen

Anonymous said...

Mr. Valdez,
I have used a blog a couple times for sports and to see when we have practice. I am excited to look at this one too and to see what we are doing.
I have not really heard a lot of comments about this class. I have heard mostly good so far. They say it is pretty fun with the money and jobs.
I am really excited to see what we are going to do in class. I think doing jobs will give us some ideas on what we want to be when we grow up. I think it is required for 7th grade because it gives you ideas for what you want to be so you when you grow up you won't still be wondering on what you want to be.

Anonymous said...

I have never used a blog before.

I have heard that overall this class is fun. My friend only talked about a thing he did on the computer.

I think that the job aplication will help me get a real job later on.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Valdez-
i haven't ever owned a blogsite but have read a few; they were just 4 fun 1s that my family owns. i haven't heard much about this class...but i think i heard once that it was boring...idk.but, i think that this class will teach me some things i never thought about.i think this is required 4 utah because of the industrialized jobs of our communities and cities.

Anonymous said...

1. I have never read, writen, or used a blog before in my life.

2. I don't think I have heard anything of this class before besides it was slightly boring.

3. I think this class will be a great help because it will teach me how to handle my money and how to be wise in my choices when i buy stuff. I think it is required because we will be taught how to handle our money. 7th graders need to be taught how to be responsible with money.

Anonymous said...

Nope i have ownes a blog site before...i dont know if i have read any but i dunno who knows...but yea...i have not really heard much from this buissness class but yea...im pretty sure its gonna be great!!i think that this will help me through my life because it is gonna show me how to be responsible...i dunno why the 7th graders shold start this...

Anonymous said...

1.I don't think that I have ever used a blog before. 2. I havent heard anything about this class before. 3.I think that it is a required class because it teaches kids how to get a job and it teaches them how to fill out job applications and how to deal with money.

Anonymous said...

1. I dont think that I have ever used a blog, because I dont even know what that means.
2. I havent heard anything about this class, but I really think that it'll be very fun because I really like bussiness and because your classes are really fun!!!
3.I think this class is required because its very important for us to learn about the stuff in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Valdez,
#1. Tis me Bryan, I have not used a blog before except for the one that you are making us use right now.
#2. Being new I havn't heard anything about any class, so I can't say I've heard anything about your class.
#3. I think this is a good required class for it is preparing us young for our futer lives. By doing it young we can be more prpared than if we were to do it at a later age.

Anonymous said...

I've never bloged before so this is my first time.I had never heard about the business class until now, nobody ever told me about it.But I think it is a good idea to get people to think about their future careers. And to teach them how to use diffrent thing in their daliy jobs.

Anonymous said...

yes i have written a blog in mrs. willardsons class in reading.

i have not heard anything about your class.i think this class will be fun.

i think that this class is required for seventh grade because you do jobs and you get paied and it will help us when we are older.

Anonymous said...

hi mr.valdez. yeah i have used a blog before it was for a science project. i heard this is a really fun class if you like technology. my friend says there is really cool stuff in this class.
i think this will help me in the future because you need to know how to do stuff like this when you go to college and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about your class before, and yes i do know what a blog is. But ive never used one before. I have heard its a really fun class because you can fill out check books and stuff. I think this class will help us in life to suceed in the career we choose. It will help us choose a career easier!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez! I've never used a blog spot before, and I've heard that this class is fun. I think this class will help me get a good job. Bye!

Anonymous said...

I have only ever read one. I have heard that this class is boring, but I disagree. (no offense)I think that this class will help you chose a job you want, or to have various chooses. I think this class is required so we will have experience in checks and jobs.

Anonymous said...

Here we go Mr. V I have already have hade you three times already and I know that you fear having me and nathan in the same class again. Getting to the questions yes I have blogged once before in Mrs. Willy's class we did exactly the same thing we are doing now but i have never done it at home. I have heard that this class is okay but it is kinda boring and it is easy to fall asleep but so far i have liked it alot. I think that this class will help me alot because i feel that we will learn things like how to handel money and how to make sure that we give the best job preformance possible. I feel that these skills will help us later in your lives.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mr. Valdez! i have never used a blog before, i heard that this class fun. i have heard, though, that it is hard. i think that this class is important for us to take is so that we can be successful adults.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez
I have never used a blog before, but I have heard a little bit about them. I have heard fom my friends about this class that it can be challenging, but fun. I think this class will help me succeed in the future, and to get a job. i am really excited for this class. Thank-you

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez
This class sounds really awsome. I have heard awsome things about this class from my friends. I have never used a blog before. I think this class is used to teach kids things about real life. Like check books and other things about business. I can't wait for jobs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i have used a blog before but it is just a family blog. I have heard alot of good things about this class and am excited to be in it. I think this class will help me in life. i think this will be a great class!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Valdez
I have never used a blog before but it sounds like fun i look forward to using it often. I hope this term goes well. I havnt took this kind of class before exept for last years tlc tech.

Anonymous said...

Waz up Mr.Valdez?

I don't think I have ever blogged before, but this is really awsome, it's tons of fun, I've heard bad things about your calss but I don't believe they're true. And I believe this is really going to be a fun year, er.. quarter. Please be nice.



Anonymous said...

HI Mr. Valdez NO I have not used a blog before. I have only heard really cool things about your class I think that this class will teach me alot about future things and careers in my life!! P.S. Supernatural is on tonight at 8:00 pm on channel 15!!! I will ask you what was on tonight tomorrow in class!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi mr valdez i hope you have had a great day! the first answer is no the second is i've heard bad things about buisness but only from a friend in Mrs christensons class and the third is i think this class will help me peek through a small window of what the world could really be like and i think that you will be a great teacher for this subject. thanks caitlin kelly

Anonymous said...

I have used a blog before in Mrs Willardson's class. We had to write a blog on a book. I heard that Business is a fun class. This class will help me by teaching me how to write a check and i will use that a lot when i get a checking account. This class is required because we need to learn how to write a job application.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Valdez,
No I have never used a blog before. I have only heard good things about your class and that it is fun. I think this class is important because it helps kids prepare to know how to do things in the futer when they get a job and it is good for kids in Utah because there are hard jobs in Utah that your class will really help them with. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been blog on disney channel.
I have to wirte it on a computer. i think business is fun and so is buy things at the store.

Anonymous said...

hi Mr. valdez,
hi i heard really good things about the claas and i think
that you are really a good teacher
and this is going to be a good year

Anonymous said...

hi mr.valdez
this class rocks this class
will help me alot
i think these things that these
people wrote is cool to see

Anonymous said...

I have never used a blog before but I have heard people talk about them. My friends say this class is really fun and kinda boring. So far I like it and I hope it is like so awesome the rest of the semester. I think this class will help me in life and get a good job.

Anonymous said...

No. I have not used a blog ever before? i really dont even know what a blog really is? but i guess this is what it is?

i have talked to my friends about this class before and they have said they HATE it but i dont know if i believe them because they are not me so i dont know if i like it yet or not. so... i will have to wait and see for myself?

well i think this class will help you in lots of things when you get older! because i know that it will.. i dont really know what to type for that question but what ever.

ps i felt like typing question marks so pretend they are not there? see what i mean!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever writen, or used a blog. I have heard about this class lots from my friends who have already had this class. I think this class will help me, mabe. I am excited!

Anonymous said...

Hey mr. valdez!!! yes i have used a blog before on myspace :) haha not the best way to use it but hey its fun! Ummm... I've heard that this class is like way fun and stuff like that hehe! i think that this will help me in real life because it gives me responsibilitys and stuff like that. :)

Anonymous said...

hey mr. valdez sorry about that other one!! okay well i have read one? i think lol but yeah. i have heard really fun things that you do Kennedy told me.lol. and some stuff that its hard but i dont know. i think this will help me because i am not all that great at counting money and managing bank accounts and what not! ;) well gtg love you!!

LoVe Ur FaVoRiTe StUdEnT hOlLiE hUnTeR

Anonymous said...

Hi its Ian to answer your question i have never used a blog before. I have heard a lot of good things and a couple of bad thing about this class. I think that we have to take this class to be prepared for your futuer job.

Anonymous said...

I have never used a blog before. I don't really even understand what it really even is. i have heard that this class is a fun class! i believe that this class is required for 7th graders to help to find out what you would want to be when you grow up.

Anonymous said...

I have never been in in blog, but I have heard about it. I heard that this class is boring but I think their wrong. I think this will help me in the future because it will help us choice our jobs and it will help us be noleageable.

Anonymous said...

dear,mr. valdez
no, ihave never been or seen a blog before.

i have herd that it is fun and hard but the jobs are easy as pie!

i think it will help you by teaching you about a job and how to save your money

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have done a blog in Mrs. Willardson's class. I have heard good things about this class. I think it is a required class because it can help us in the future.

Anonymous said...

I have used a blog in Mrs. Willardson's class to write answers to questions and even typed essays on her blog.
I haven't heard a thing about this class from any other students except that they had fun!
I think this class is important because the jobs we get will teach us to be on time and to do the work we are assigned. I also know that we will be spending a lot of time in the computer lab, and computer skills will help me because I will be using a computer for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Valdez i have only had exsperiance on myspacebut everyone said this is the funest class i cant wait to have this class i cant wait and i think this class will be good for us because it can help us on how to save money and other skills

Anonymous said...

hey mr. valdez!
this is kenna f!
i have never used my own blog but i would like to.
i have not heard much at all but it sounds fun!
this class will really help us to mangage our money and help us with our jobs!

Anonymous said...

hey this is kenna,mr valdez!
i have never used a blog before that was mine but i have seen one!
i have only heard good things about your class.
i think this class will help us all through out our lives with money and every thing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi mr. valdez i have never been on this websit before atleast i think i havent been on this websit? i think this class will help me with my job skills and what i might want to do when i am older.